Top Ten Tuesday
Sleepy Jane used to do a Top Ten Tuesday post every week. Basically you add a post about the top ten things you love/hate/admire/enjoy etc at that specific time in your life.
So today my TTT is about 10 things I can’t live without.
(In no particular order!)
1. My family – I know it’s cliche to say this but I really do love them (all of them) and I can’t imagine how dull my life will be without them!
2. My GHD – If you tend to look like a French poodle when waking up, a GHD is a must have. It only takes 20 minutes to turn this:

into this.......

3. Milo Breakfast (can be lunch & dinner as well) cereal – I absolutely love the stuff that comes out of that green box! I can’t start my day without it! It is so divine that I sometimes eat it for lunch and dinner as well. Njom Njom crunch crunch.
4. A belt – Not a particular one just any pants-upholding-apparatus. I’m in the process of losing some (and eventually all) of the weight I gained as a result of me being impregnated by my loving husband. TWICE. As a result my pants are allowing me more breathing room but also moving towards the earth in a saggy skateboarder type of way – Not cool.
5. Deonette – She is my brother’s new girlfriend. I freaking adore that woman. She is FANTASTIC with my kids, she makes my brother happy and did I say she is fantastic with my kids. Megan loves her to bits and it looks like Tannie Hannie (Megan’s godmother) has some competition. When we visit my parents and Deonette is there Megan only wants to be with her (which allows me some me-time) and for that I am truly grateful!
6. Wimpy coffee – no comment needed!
7. INTERNET – I still don’t know how the hell people lived without internet. Must have been so boring!
8. Tissues – Megan is in a playgroup = contact with other kids = contact with all their little kiddy germs = loads and loads of snot. Megan with loads and loads of snot loves her little sister = direct contact by kissing and hugging her = Mia produces loads and loads of snot. Get the picture?
9. At this stage I would have loved to say BlackBerry – But seeing as I *sniff* don’t have a BB (I am now sobbing) *sniff* I can’t say that.
10. My toothbrush – obviously!
Feel free to add your own TTT in the comment section or post it to your blog!
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