
Friday, May 7, 2010

The Letter

I wanted to post a password protected post but Blogspot does not have such functionality, which is a total #brandfail in my opinion but anyway.


Oh before I say anything else I just want to quickly make the following statement. When I started this new blog it was because I needed a place where I could be completely honest with myself and I know that limited people know about the address and have access to my innest, deepest, darkest secrets. But because I can't fucking password protect the damn thing I have to do the following:

If you want to read this post aka The Letter you need to e-mail me at requesting me to send you the post via e-mail, muff I know but that is the only way.


In the past week I met up again with my ex (the last one before my husband). He is currently visiting SA as he has been staying in the UK the past 4/5 years. Even though I have dreamt of him quite often (as I do of every one that has meaning to me) I didn't realise how much unresolved issues/feelings etc there still were between us. So I have written him a letter. Not because I'm into old style letter sending or shit like that but just because like all of my fellow bloggers we just articulate better with the written language than the spoken one.

I will send you my letter if you promise to do the following:

1. DO NOT JUDGE - It was a difficult decision to make whether or not to "openly" write and post about it and the last thing I need is a bunch of hypocrites judging me.

2. KEEP IT TO YOURSELF - I know some things in relationships are better off not being said out loud so there is no need to wake sleeping dogs.

3. COMMENT - Ok so I also like it when people comment now and then :-)

Ok so you know what you gotta do!

P.s The Letter is in Afrikaans, because writing an English letter to a person I speak Afrikaans with is just well stupid. If you do not understand Afrikaans you can copy and paste the context into Google Translate. But beware there might be stuff up with some of the direct translation.

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